Saturday, September 29, 2012


Life at Six Weeks

Pookie has been around for about six weeks now. Life for him still consists mainly of sleeping, eating, and crying. But there have been a few new things - expressions and reactions are starting to emerge.
 Here Grayson reaches out to comfort "Ele", who had been down in the dumps since being chained to the crib wall .

Below - Gray reacts to some bad news...

"What? The milk has run dry?!....."


Big Boy!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Grayson Edward Causey

You should recognize the older boy with the big silly grin...but Jackson already has a blog. This new blog will be for the new guy - Grayson Edward was born on Wednesday, August 15th. He was 8lbs, 12.4oz. and measured a tad bit over 20" long. Grayson is healthy and he and Mandi are doing well.

Stay tuned for new pictures and stories of the newest addition to our family!