Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Getting in the Christmas Mood

 I didn't know Amazon delivered children - make sure you keep the receipt and see if we can send it back!

 Jack wanted to use the DSLR. This is the shot he took.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bloggin' Ain't Easy

 Hi there! I'm back after a long break. Daddy has been busy with work and his new interest in mountain biking and has put updating my blog down at the bottom of his to-do list. I think he's got it right above "empty the Diaper Genie" on the list!
So since the last blog entry I've been getting older (sigh, I'll be all growed up here in a bit) and I've been staying busy! I discovered a previously unknown LOVE for balloons! 
 Daddy tells me it is quite difficult to get a picture of me that isn't blurry. Something about me always being in motion. All I know is that it is AWESOME to see Daddy try to take a picture of me and then mutter under his breath as I dart to the side or wiggle right as he pushes that little button! Woo-Hoo!

I also love to eat. Nuff said!
 FEED ME!!!!

Am I not a handsome fella?

 The other night I threw the biggest tantrum I've ever thrown just to get a taco of my own. I didn't want those silly little broken off pieces that Mommy was trying to pass off to me. I really had to reach down into my inner devil to draw up the award winning hysterics that I presented to Mommy and Daddy. As they say, if you're gonna go - Go Big! hooah!

Oh yeah. Sweetness!

Loving Life!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Play Time!

Oh. Hello there. I'm just hanging out at the house with Daddy while Mom and that Jack guy are out doing errands. Hanging with Dad is pretty cool. He lets me crawl all over the place and play with all kinds of toys. In fact, he lets me do just about anything I want to as long as I don't try to eat things I find on the floor and don't make "that utterly annoying screeching sound".
 I tried to get Murphy to play ball but he wasn't interested.
 While Dad was playing with the camera he asked me to strike a pose.
So I struck a pose.
 And then I posed some more. I call this my crazy pirate.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Spaghetti Incident

(Disclaimer: I am only posting these because I was asked to do so. I absolutely can't stand babies with dirty faces. Just don't care for the look. Blechh!)

Tonight's dinner was an experiment - slow cooker spaghetti. The results were alright but the pasta would have fared better if it had been added about an hour later than it was. Pookie Gray thought dinner was delish! Add a little garlic bread and he's loving it!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Oh. Hello There.

 It has been quite a while since Dad's last post. Again. 
He says it's because the computer with the right software has been broken, but I think it is just him being lazy. Again.
 So Dad says he'll start catching up on all of the photos and stories from my busy life since his last post in the spring, but you'll have to be satisfied with these few cute shots of me until he can upload the rest of the 1843 photos on the memory cards. 

Here I am checking my choices in the fridge. 
 I think I'll have a cup of this!
 Mommy nixed the soda. I'll have a healthy apple instead!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Hello There.

Hi. This is a guest post by yours truly, Grayson. I've not seen Dad update my blog in a long time! Must have something to do with Daddy playing with me instead of typing. (Dad calls it playtime but really we just take long naps snuggled up on the couch.)
So anyway, since Dad is still dozin' on the couch over there I am going to hunt around his computer for some photos that showcase just how cute I am! These pictures may not be in any sort of order - I am only six months old and don't really understand chronological order, nor story lines. 
So enjoy my pics. When Dad wakes up I will tell him he needs to post about me more often!

 Aren't I cute?!

 I've kinda got an 'Uncle Fester' look going on here - but I still pull off looking cute!

 Just hanging out waiting for Thanksgiving dinner

 Look! I've got a turkey on my butt! Mom hates it when I say "butt" instead of "bottom" but she's not here to  edit my post! Butt, Butt, Butt.....nyah nah nah!

 This was taken right after Santa told me what he was bringing me for Christmas. I was all like, "Yo Santa, that's AWESOME"!

 I looove this blankie. The bunnies on it totally rock! They help protect me from the boogie man.

 I keep trying to decode the message from the flashing lights - so far all I've gotten deciphered is "Drink more Ovaltine". What the heck does that mean anyway?

 Dad told me this was a genuine German beer tankard. That's the only way I would drink out of it.

 BUSTED! I was trying to sneak onto Dad's computer. That Nickelodeon site totally brings the fun!

 Yo Mom - what IS that in there?!

 I'm telling you, this lady has some weird thing about putting stuff on my butt. 

 HAHAHAHA! I said 'butt' again!

You know it!